
Friday 8 May 2015

World War 1 and World War 2 Facts

World war 1 and World war 2

K - What we know
W - What we want to know
L - What we learn’t
  • That they used telephones.
  • They used tanks.
  • They had poison gases.
  • There was a lot of army forces .
  • There was a lot of allies.
  • There was a lot of death.
  • There was some people that stayed alive.
  • Most of the people got def because of the loud gun shooting.
  • They used submarines to go under water.
  • They used a lot of gun.
  • How were they used
  • How did they get people to fight in the war.
  • When were the guns invented.
  • What kind of cars did they use to travel .
  • Where the phones used only for far distance our close distances.
  • Were their any computers in world war 2 and world war 1.
  • Did they have any hacking devices in time for war.
  • 32 nations were taking part in World War 1.
  • Germany lost 136 Generals, which averages out to be 1 dead General every 2 weeks.
  • Over 60 million people died in the World War 2.
  • The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I was over 37 million: 
  • Over 16 million deaths and 20 million wounded, ranking it among the deadliest conflicts in human history.
  • The World War 1 trenches was 2-5 M deep into the ground.


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